Transfer files with other devices (advanced)

In previous section, you have learned how to transfer files with other devices. In this section we will show you other options you can use when transfer files.

The first two options are Readonly and Login Account, these options are especially useful when you are sitting at public places (such as a coffee shop, a station, a school, a public place, etc.).

When you tap on START button your iPhone or iPad devices, it will be visible and accessible in a network, everyone can see your device in the same network. In some cases you allow people to access your device but you don’t want them to change anything in your device then turn on Readonly option to prevent it.

In the other cases, you allow a few people to access your device then turn on Login Account option, you have to fill in Username and Password fields. When this option is on, only some people who knows the Username and Password can access your device.

The last two options are Photos Library and iPod Library, these are corresponding to Photos and Music apps in your iPhone or iPad.

Turn on these options when sharing, people who access your device will see two other Photos and iPod Library drives. Since these drives are readonly, you can’t change or modify the contents there.